So yesterday I used my t-shirt pattern to whip up two more t-shirts! Another one in brown, and a lovely teal (I'm wearing it now and it appears to have something sticky on the back). I also finished topstitching the hem of the lovely Silverlake jacket that I just finished. Yippee!! I can't believe how much I've learned in this year of sewing. The importance of clipping the seam allowances for one thing. The Silverlake jacket has as many as 8 pieces of fabric all clumped together on the bottom hem. If they're not trimmed back it is absolutely impossible for my machine to traverse them. I am also (somewhat tardily) starting on Clyde, the twin brother of Rose, Wilhelmina's Waldorf doll. I realized when I sat down to sew Clyde up on the machine, that I needed to use a zig-zag stitch, because he's made of a knit. That's when it occurred to me that the reason that Rose has blown so many seams is because I made her with a straight stitch --because I'd never sewn knits before. I'm so glad that I know how to do it correctly now. So now here I am, not stitching, but instead I'm carding wool, because I need 10 oz of carded wool to fill Clyde and I only have 4 oz carded so far. I guess I know how I'll be spending my weekend. Only 3 days before Clyde needs to be ready to go, with at least one wearable outfit. And, if at all possible, Rose could really use a bath. There have been way too many camping trips where she ended up face down in the dust.
yippee! movin right along!!!