Well, I invested in some fleece at JoAnn, and not a moment too soon! We have at least a 1/4 inch of snow on the grass and IT IS STILL SNOWING! It might start sticking to the pavement at any moment. If you don't hear from me it is undoubtedly because we have frozen or starved to death due to a complete breakdown of services caused by the inclement weather
Let's get back to fashion to take our minds off of my impending demise, shall we? For Willa, a Kyoto dress in two patterns of non-pill fleece. It is gorgeous! (imho) Unfortunately, the stitching blows, to be completely frank with you all. I forgot that fleece is a stretchy fabric and did the whole thing in straight stitch! Urk! Also, my tension was all over the place and I don't know how well this puppy is going to hold together. It's hard to see exactly where the problems are though, because it's fleece. (Yippee?) I made this in fleece because my children don't like wearing warm clothes. They would rather wear bathing suits until they are blue with cold and crying. In February. My devious plan was to make charming clothing that was very, very warm. So far, so good. Willa spent quite a good portion of the day in her new fleece dress.
I have plans for fleece pants to match the hoody and the dress. I did better on this Imke hoody for Primrose. (At least I stitched it all in zig-zag, giving it a much better chance of surviving the first few wearings) I put a pocket on it to keep her hands warm, and because any piece of clothing which includes a pocket has a much greater chance of being worn. I made it long because it will hopefully cover more of her body.
Oh, that is a CUTE Kyoto pattern!