Well, I went to the rummage sales yesterday and scored some lovely blue velour (yards and yards of it for $1). I think I might use it to tackle the Willemientje dress from Farbenmix. The blue would be the overdress color and I still need to decide on what to use for the underdress. White satin? Maybe a nice bit of white eyelet material? I'm thinking light colors. It will definitely be a winter garment if I make it out of velour so I'd better get on it if I want it to be worn this year.
I also purchased some lovely bright flowered fabric that I might use as a underdress for a Feliz dress for Primrose. I have a lovely bird print that I could use for the apron--or vice versa. Maybe flowers over birds. Too many choices.
I finally set up my mannequin but she's not wearing anything new yet. I can't bring myself to cut into any fabric.
Why do I sew with striped fabrics?!
1 week ago