Life's problems are often eased by hot milky drinks.

--Barbara Pym

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Imke Shirt

This was my first time working with knits. I have since learned how to avoid stretching out the fabric when sewing it, so I'll be sure to use that knowledge on my next knit project. The pattern is very cute though. It is extremely easy to make and looks gorgeous on. The hood can be curved or pointy.

I totally bungled topstitching the neck seams but I don't seem to be bothered enough to redo them. Maybe it will bother me more later. I might try adding cuffs to the sleeves too. It would make it a bit larger so she could wear it longer.


  1. so was some of this hand knit?

  2. I posted a comment about this, but it seems to have disappeared. Hmm. I love the shirt. Something about the way Prim is standing in the top picture makes her look like she will when she is a teenager. I think cuffs are a good idea, and maybe a ruffle at the bottom to extend its life, as long as it still fits in the body. I love the pointy hood. Now I want one.

  3. Wed,

    Nope, all machine knit fabric. I used t-shirt material and some thermal knit fabric to make this one.

    After washing it I can see that a lot of the distortion at the hem has fixed itself. Not all though.
